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Doodle Crate


I love to make. One of my fondest childhood memories is my mother teaching me how to transform styrofoam food containers into handbags. These days, I love watching my own children explore materials and create new things. From this interest and passion, we designed Doodle Crate as an invitation for young makers to express themselves creatively.

Our crates introduce fun crafting materials and interesting techniques. As kids dig in, they begin to see how materials can transform. They start dreaming about the possibilities and exploring their own ideas. By exercising their imagination and creativity, children learn something new. We love seeing them develop an enthusiasm for making and creating something all by themselves.

We believe that by fostering a child's creativity, you also help build an inner confidence and strong sense of self. And we believe that by learning new skills, children also learn to tackle other challenges with tenacity and persistence. We can't wait to see what the Doodle Crate community of builders, creators, and problem-solvers make!

~ Sandra

Founder & CEO, Mother of 2

& The Doodle Crate Team


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